How to use your Orthotic devices
As a general rule it is recommended you wear your Orthotics for one hour the first day, two hours the second day, three hours the third day, increasing in this manner until you are wearing them all day. During this period some minor discomfort may be experienced. If problems persist please contact you Podiatrist. Running or other sporting activity should not commence until you are wearing your Orthotics comfortably all day, or on the advice of your Podiatrist.
Footwear and your Orthotics
New shoes should be considered if your shoes are excessively worn. New shoes will enable optimal function of your Orthotics. Some Orthotics will require the inner sole of the shoe to be removed. Please talk to your Podiatrist about suitable footwear. The heel of the Orthotic should sit firmly against the back of the shoe.
Cleaning your Orthotics
Standard Orthotics can be cleaned with soap and water, however, depending on the top cover your Podiatrist may advise you differently. Orthotics should be dried with a towel and not in front of a heater. Orthotics should be removed from the shoe on a regular basis to aerate.
It is important to visit your prescribing Podiatrist on a regular basis to review your progress and ensure your Orthotics are working at the optimal level. Your Podiatrist will advise you when they need to see you.